Miss Jackie Diggle
My career in teaching began in 2003 in Newham, East London. I had spent a year working with children with Special Education Needs in a secondary school in London and it was this that drove me to develop my skills to become a teacher. I started my training in Year 6 and it is this year group that I have always had a passion for, but as with many teachers, I have worked in all year groups.
I joined Burnt Mill Academy Trust in 2014 and spent four great years at Little Parndon Primary Academy, working my way from Senior Lead Practitioner to Co-Head of School. In 2019, I had the opportunity to apply for the role of Head Teacher at Freshwaters and I was absolutely thrilled when I was appointed. It has been an incredible journey so far and I have really enjoyed getting to know the children, the parents and the staff of this amazing family. Long may it continue!
My passion in education lies very much in literacy and reading. I think this goes back to me being a journalist before I became a teacher and having three daughters, who I absolutely loved reading to before bedtime and am looking forward to doing the same with my granddaughter. I am a firm believer that engaging children through books and developing a love and enthusiasm for reading is vital. At Freshwaters, we are working very hard on developing an inspiring creative curriculum that includes all subject areas and excites and develops children’s learning.
Having grown up in Harlow and attended both William Martin Primary School and Latton Bush Comprehensive, it seemed natural, after living in London for twenty years and considering a move out of London, to return to my hometown of Harlow with my family.
Outside of school, I spend my time walking my two dogs (which are Alaskan Malamutes) swimming, sewing and yoga. Having attended Saint Martins School of Art for my degree, I also love spending my weekends going to exhibitions and art galleries. As some of you may know, I have a passion for penguins which came about from having to teach Year 6 all about adaptation, after that I became known as the penguin teacher! This has led to my office being filled with cuddly penguins, drawings and many gifts that have been kindly given to me over the years!